Let the Real Force Be With You!
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Kundalini is the formative, biological life force energy in your body. In its creative state, it’s known as Kundalini Shakti — creative in the sense that it shapes your very substance in the womb. After birth, it works in the background as Prana Shakti, the maintenance state of kundalini. And unless it reactivates involuntarily or you reactivate it intentionally through the practice of a reliable method like Golden Flower Meditation (GFM), it remains in that background state throughout your life. Think of it as a racing car that’s idling; the motor’s turning, but it's not going anywhere. That’s Prana Shakti. It manages your body’s autonomic functions: cell division, breathing, blood flow, digestion — without you’re being aware of it or appreciating it. Like a computer routine that works in the background, it’s there. If it stopped working altogether, you’d be dead.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, kundalini is never dormant, never completely inactive. It’s either in a maintenance state (Prana Shakti) or a creative state (Kundalini Shakti) during your lifetime:
- During gestation, it's Kundalini Shakti, the creative force, responsible for your incarnation,
- During so-called “normal" life, it's Prana Shakti, maintaining your autonomic functions, until,
- Upon reactivating, it takes over once again as Kundalini Shakti, the super-conscious creative force.
Most people don’t realize that kundalini resides within them; they are simply unaware of its actuality and its potential. Which means, of course, that they may never “re-activate” it either spontaneously or otherwise, not unless they learn how to induce a Kundalini awakening through meditation practice. Even then, the outcome is never certain. There's a quantum or karmic aspect to the process.
If you've had a kundalini experience, you're probably looking for reference material that validates and explains it. Well, you've come to the right website; you’ve found information about the experience itself and its aftermath — how to activate it, how to accept it, how to live with it. That's the purpose of this site, presenting clear, concise kundalini information about safe, reliable, permanent, deliberate kundalini activations as well as collateral information on spontaneous and temporary awakenings.

Books on Kundalini

The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Kundalini Meditation Method (GFM Book 2)
JJ Semple
For fans of "The Secret of the Golden Flower" who want more How-To information.

Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time (GFM Book 1)
JJ Semple
A writer's transformation via kundalini meditation.

Seminal Retention and Higher Consciousness: The Sexology of Kundalini
JJ Semple
Retaining the psychic fuel lost during intercourse improves health and spiritual wellbeing.

The Biology of Consciousness: Case Studies in Kundalini
JJ Semple
Kundalini is a biological actuality, a primordial energy in every human being that is capable of modifying DNA in a single lifetime.

The Backward-Flowing Method: The Secret of Life and Death
J J Semple
What is the backward-flowing method? The short answer is the Secret of Life and Death...
Why Is Kundalini Misunderstood?
Up to now self-styled holy men and gurus have tried to persuade us that the Kundalini expanding consciousness process (and its principle technique: the backward-flowing method) was something only they, so-called spiritual adepts, had access to. Only by becoming a follower or by joining a cult could the individual be initiated into the secret rites surrounding kundalini — and that, only as long as you were willing to pay. Now, suppose you realized the life force energy responsible for your incarnation and embodiment, from embryo to fetus to fully-formed adult, is actually inside you, hidden and hibernating, and that you are capable of reactivating it. That's the purpose of this website: to provide information on the hidden potential within you.
Subscribe to The Kundalini Consortium Blog - Timely Energy Cultivation info
The kundalini Gopi Krishna wrote about isn't the province of religion; it's scientific fact, a biological subsystem. Its religious associations are usually an attempt to co-opt it. In reality, consciousness came first and precedes all. The ancients then discovered doorways into consciousness, one of them being kundalini. They discovered that the kundalini energy awakening process is included in the body to serve an evolutionary purpose. If it didn't serve a purpose, it wouldn’t be there. Evolution would have eliminated it. That’s how evolution works.
Early on, kundalini meditation was practiced by mystics, those rebels unhappy with the constraints of orthodox religion, iconoclasts inspired by the challenge of extending consciousness. Rebels like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Lao Tse, and Milarepa. Writers like Gopi Krishna, Richard Bucke, PD Ouspensky.
Why does Kundalini "Shut Down" at Birth?
At birth, Kundalini sort of hibernates. Why? Because the wonders of the material world ignite our senses and we start to process and explore its delights. We let the thrall of the material world take over our thoughts and emotions; we become Ego driven, seeking mastery over all. Only the spiritually motivated become curious about the metaphysical aspects of existence. Only a few seek to discover their hibernating birthright — Kundalini Shakti. And it’s a shame, because...
We are all perfect at the split-second moment before conception, a magic, quantum moment when consciousness becomes flesh, a process the Bible expresses thusly: And the Word became flesh. Of course at that moment, like a building before the foundation is laid, our beings are only blueprints, i.e., the Word. These blueprints — the numinous plans for our incarnation — are perfect. At the moment of conception — the moment the egg is fertilized by the sperm — the body begins to take shape, i.e., becomes flesh.
It’s the moment when, were you able to stand over your perfectly drawn blueprint, you'd wonder if it will be executed faithfully. That’s the job of Kundalini Shakti, the creative agency responsible for not only providing the raw energy for your incarnation — not a simple task when you think about it — but also for creating the blueprint, the master plan for your embodiment and your ultimate Being.
Until the moment of birth, Kundalini Shakti controls your growth. The moment you are born, you become conscious and kundalini — your natural life force — hibernates. Heredity, environment, and those aspects unique to your DNA take over the direction of your life and the formation of your physical body while in the background, Prana Shakti manages your body’s day-to-day, minute-by-minute maintenance functions.
After birth, of course, something always interferes. You get sick, accidents occur, you become addicted, you become self-important, you get older, your body breaks down. Most of the time you just go on living. What else is there to do? That’s the irony of kundalini: just when you need it most, it goes into maintenance mode. If only the blueprint could have been realized faithfully. If only your body had a warranty! Well, it DOES!
Think of kundalini as a misplaced warranty, a lifetime warranty you forgot about or never realized you had. And now the product that was once so dependable, so easy to use — your body — is worn out. You’d like to trade it in for a new model. Well, you can use your warranty. It’s still valid. It’s called Kundalini Shakti — the racing car that’s been idling patiently, waiting to be reawakened. A force that connects you to higher consciousness, a consciousness that is ready, willing, and able to manage your creative destiny. A Karmic eruption. No longer idling — although it does continue to manage your autonomic functions — it’s ready to take your Being to warp speed.
And you can use this warranty at any age.
How does Kundalini Work?
Although biological processes usually just happen, kundalini is a process that can be induced through the proper use of energy cultivation techniques, such as GFM, that is, awakenings of this type can be controlled to a certain extent. The key to a kundalini awakening is sexual sublimation, the alchemical process of distilling seminal fluid and lymphatic secretions and diverting them to the brain in the form of an energetic essence. That's right, to raise kundalini you repurpose sexual and lymphatic energies, often a stumbling block for people who believe that sex is repugnant. Perhaps that’s as it should be; you can’t please everyone, nor should you try. Think twice — examine the pros and cons — before attempting to arouse kundalini. When you work with energy in any form, there are risks. Due diligence is a necessary step.
An Active Kundalini Repairs a Lifetime of Self-Inflicted Damage
Kundalini is also a practical tool for self-healing, natural living, and heightening consciousness. It’s that simple. Once reactivated by a meditation like GFM, kundalini inventories the body and replenishes worn out and damaged neural circuits by streaming vital growth energy — the same growth energy that shaped your body in the womb — to the afflicted area.
Your body is a complex instrument, controlled by complex systems of communication. The most important of these is the nervous system. Kundalini uses the nervous system, with all its interconnecting channels, to convey vital energy to your extremities. And once the nerves are conditioned, the energy buildup becomes so great even structural defects, deformities, blockages, and physiological irregularities can be corrected.
Kundalini is so powerful its energy can actually be transferred via Shaktipat. This may only entail a temporary kundalini awakening, but sometimes a glimpse is all you need to motivate you to practice a deeper, long-lasting kundalini meditation like GFM. The entire process is described in Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time and in The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Kundalini Meditation Method.